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tiktok | feedback thread

i curse, i’m selective, i don’t like people who doesn’t show courtesy, i am a gg ult

twice nayeon + chaeyoung
aespa karina !
ssera yunjin + kazuha

• strictly no cancellation!!
• cancelled orders have corresponding fee (35% of your order’s total payment).
• late fee = 30 php per day
• no unboxing, no refund
no rush shipping.
• pf applies (20-30 for pc and 30-40 for album).
• i won't be liable for any lost during shipment.
• down payment (dp) is always payo and non-refundable.

location: sampaloc, manila
mop: gcash, maya, bdo
mod: j&t direct and sdd

• expect light marks / dents
• i don’t include freebies
i don’t pack aesthetically
• item will AUTOMATICALLY be forfeited (no refund) after a month of not scheduling the shipment unless we have pending transaction.
• forfeited item can still be claimed 1 week after forfeiting date.

masterlist | feedback thread

• i am not liable to any undisclosed defects from any yangdo claims, so please do not claim or pahanap if sensitive.• delays caused by kr seller's shipment should not be my fault.
• delays due to holidays should not also be my fault.
• i shouldn't be liable to any damage or lost caused by natural disaster for unclaimed items a week after i the send arrival notice.

• FETA usually takes 10 days to arrive after ship out.
• NETA usually takes 4-6 weeks after ship out.
isf usually costs 10-60 php per pc.
• isf for non-photocard items varies.
• isf is to be collected once on hand.
• kr fees includes bank transfer fees and kr shipping fee.